Individual Space

You have reported a hornet's nest in France, or you are going to do so: Bees For Life provides you with a free tool for monitoring nest destruction operations.

  • If the nest is reported on the territory of a local authority (municipality or community of municipalities) that subscribes to Bees For Life: you can view the progress of the treatment by the local authority.
  • The report is on your property: you can monitor the destruction yourself by selecting a disinsectiser and monitoring his work. If there is no insect killer registered on the platform in your area, you can ask Bees For Life to search for one or more insect killers who can destroy the nest.
  • If the nest has been reported in an area not covered by a local authority, or on a property other than your own, we advise you to contact your local council to secure the situation if necessary and enable them to take action. At the same time, we will try to contact your local council to forward your report to them and encourage them to use the platform so that you can follow up your report in the future.

To register for free, click here.

To report a nest, click here

To track your hornet traps, you also need to create an account, here.

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